
Mahabharath New


Episodes below the summary:


The story starts with Bhishma, the child of Shantanu and Ganga, making his vow of abstinence to persuade Satyavati to wed his dad Shantanu, the ruler of Hastinapura. Shantanu and Satyavati wed and have 2 kids - Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. Chitrangad passes on and on the exhortation of sovereign Saytavati Bhisma wins the three princesses of Kashi realm for Vichitravirya however the oldest Princess Amba won't wed him and leaves for her darling who dismisses her. She faults Bhisma and promises that she will be the explanation of his passing. Vichitravirya kicked the bucket with no youngsters, yet Veda Vyasa, the child of Satyavati brought into the world through mysterious is mentioned to impregnate Vichitravirya's 2 spouses Ambika and Ambalika the same way he was imagined. Other than the sovereigns, Vyasa likewise impregnates a servant Parishrami through mysterious. Before long, Ambika brings forth Dhritarashtra, conceived blind, Ambalika brings forth Pandu, conceived pale and Parashrami brings forth Vidura.

25 years later

Dhritarashtra is hitched to Gandhari, the princess of Gandhara Kingdom; due to her shelter of bearing 100 children. Subsequent to realizing her would-be-spouse is visually impaired Gandhari chosen to blindfold herself to sympathize with her significant other's aggravation. This enrages Shakuni, the sibling of Gandhari, and he promises to obliterate Bhishma, as it was him who had brought the proposition for Gandhari's marriage. Dhritarashtra is denied the privileged position for being visually impaired, and the privileged position is given to Pandu. Pandu weds Kunti, a princess of Kunti Kingdom, and Madri of Madra Kingdom. Pandu is subsequently reviled by Sage Kindama, that he will kick the bucket assuming he endeavors to impregnate his spouses. Pandu, devastated, repudiates the realm with his 2 spouses. After this Dhritarashtra becomes true lord of Hastinapur.

Kunti utilizes her shelter, given to her by Sage Durvasa, to summon divine forces of her decision and acquire youngsters from them. She generates Yudhishthira from Yama (the divine force of death and honesty), Bhima from Vayu (the lord of wind), Arjuna from Indra (the ruler of the divine beings). She additionally drones the aid for Madri, and Madri gets twins - Nakula and Sahadeva - from the Ashwini Kumaras. Gandhari is envious by this turn of events and brings forth a chunk of tissue in the wake of being pregnant for a very long time, yet this is cut into 101 pieces by Veda Vyasa, and these pieces at last change into youngsters - the 100 Kauravas (drove by Duryodhana) and a girl, Dushala.

15 years later;

Years pass, and the Kauravas grow up to be underhanded, drove by their oldest sibling Duryodhana, who is exceptionally affected by his uncle Shakuni, as opposed to the Pandavas who are honest. Pandavas return to Hastinapur with Kunti, after the passing of Pandu and Madri. Shakuni attempts to harm Bheema, however he is saved by his incredible granddad Naag Raj. Bhishma exiles Shakuni from Hastinapur, driving him to get back to Gandhar. All rulers are shipped off concentrate on under Guru Dronacharya

12 years later;

Years pass and the rulers return to Hastinapur, where they are participated in a contest of displaying their abilities. Arjuna wins the opposition, yet Karna challenges Arjuna as Dronacharya announced Arjuna as the best bowman of the world. Kunti understands that Karna is her child whom she had acquired from Surya, the Sun God, well before marriage. Meanwhile, Arjuna, additionally becomes a close acquaintence with Lord Krishna, his cousin (Lord Krishna's dad was Vasudev, sibling of Kunti), and King of Dwarka. The Kauravas endeavor to kill the Pandavas utilizing a castle made of wax, however the Pandavas escape. They go far away, banished in shame so all others trust them to be dead. Simultaneously, the Pandavas experience a devil by the name Hidimba. Bhima kills Hidimba however winds up wedding his sister, Hidimbi. The couple brings forth a child, Ghatotkacha. Arjune masked as a Brahmin wins Draupadi in her Swayamvar organized by her dad, the King of Panchal, Drupad. Arjuna takes her to his mom who was doing Pooja and without acknowledging what he was referring to orders him to share anything that he has won with his siblings. The Pandavas in the end wed Draupadi, the princess of Panchala and King Drupada's girl, brought into the world from fire, hence uncovering their personality. They return to Hastinapur and legitimize their polyandry.

The succession of occasions prompts the Kuru Kingdom being isolated - The Pandavas get another realm - Khandavprastha. Arjuna obliterates the Khandava. They remodel the town, and rename it as Indraprastha. The success of Indraprastha infuriates Duryodhana. A desirous Duryodhana gathers Pandavas for a dice game, where Yudhishthira loses his realm, siblings as well as their normal spouse Draupadi. Draupadi is hauled and embarrassed in the court, notwithstanding, Krishna saves her distinction toward the end.

The Pandavas and Draupadi, because of losing, are constrained into a 12-year exile and an extended time of in disguise, the last option stage being spent in the realm of King Virata. Pandavas rejoin with their youngsters the Upapandavas (the 5 children of Draupadi) and Abhimanyu (the child of Arjuna and Subhadra), after the exile period. Abhimanyu is hitched to Uttaraa, the little girl of King Virata and Queen Sudeshna.

The Pandavas' ceasefire with the Kauravas neglects to emerge, subsequently affirming that a conflict is set to occur. Both, the Pandavas and Kauravas, assemble their particular militaries by aligning with various clans and realms.

In practically no time before the Kurukshetra War starts, Arjuna gets the information on the Bhagavad Gita from Krishna, which assists him with battling for exemplary nature with no regret of killing his own kin all the while. The conflict starts and go on for 18 days - the two sides face mass obliteration. The Pandavas and Kauravas lose every one of their kids, parents in law, and partners, and the conflict formally finishes after Duryodhana, the last Kaurava, is killed by Bhima.

Ashwatthama (the child of Dronacharya), on seeing Duryodhana's passing, gets rankled and strikes the Pandava camp around evening time, killing many warriors simultaneously. Dhrishtadyumna, Shikhandini ( oldest sister of Draupadi who helped Pandavas in killing Bhishma) and the Upapandavas are killed by Ashwatthama while they are resting. He likewise attempts to kill a bereaved Uttaraa and her unborn child rather fruitlessly, however the two of them are resuscitated and the kid is named as 'Parikshit' by Krishna.

Krishna additionally reviles Ashwatthama to stay in extreme agony and everlasting status until the end of his life in view of his egregious demonstration. The Pandavas return to Hastinapura, where Dhritarashtra endeavors to kill Bhima however turns out to be ineffective. Gandhari curses Krishna for allowing the conflict to occur as she lost every last bit of her children and grandsons, so he faces a similar outcome. The show closes with Yudhishthira being at long last delegated by Krishna, as the lord of Hastinapur.


episode 1

episode 2

episode 3

episode 4

episode 5

episode 6

episode 7

episode 8

episode 9

episode 10

episode 11

episode 12

episode 13

episode 14

episode 15

episode 16

episode 17

episode 18

episode 19

episode 20

episode 21

episode 22

episode 23

episode 24

episode 25

episode 26

episode 27   krishna entry

episode 28

episode 29

episode 30

episodes 31

episodes 32

episodes 33    pandav entry on hastinapur

episodes 34

episodes 35

episodes 36

episodes 37    duryodhan gives poison to bheem

episodes 38   guru dron entry

episodes 39

episodes 40

episodes 41

episodes 42

episodes 43

episodes 44

episodes 45

episodes 46

episodes 47

episodes 48

episodes 49

episodes 50

episode 51

episode 52

episode 53

episode 54

episode 55

episode 56

episode 57

episode 58

episode 59

episode 60

episode 61

episode 62

episode 63

episode 64

episode 65

episode 66

episode 67

episode 68      krishna and arjun goes to rukmani

episode 69

episode 70

episode 71

episode 72

episode 73

episode 74

episode 75

episode 76

episode 77

episode 78

episode 79

episode 80

episode 81

episode 82

episode 83

episode 84

episode 85

episode 86

episode 87

episode 88

episode 89     shree krishna on panchal

episode 90

episode 91

episode 92

episode 93

episode 94

episode 95

episode 96

episode 97

episode 98    draupadi swayemwar

episode 99

episode 100
